jueves, junio 21, 2007

Confesión Número 18

Les presento a...
Ariana, mi sobrina y a...

Roberto, mi novio... ya sin censura.

Una vez más... lo más bonito de esa foto soy yo. Prometo actualizar más seguido.



Anonymous Anónimo said...

Bravo caray!!! Hasta yo ya puse mas fotos en mi flog y apenas acabas de actualizar esta onda...Pero eso pasa cuando uno quiere ver las confesiones de su hermana, hehehe, las espera ansiosamente =D.
Que linda la sobrinilla, aunque que tiene en la frente? Y el cuñado hasta que se deja ver en foto caray, jajaja, bueno, cuidate mucho hermana, por cierto, ya te enteraste de mi desgracia?? Pasate a mi flog!!!
Hasta pronto!!!

26 junio, 2007  
Blogger Unsolicited Reflection said...

eeeey veo que no has actualizado en un buen de tiempo, pero te vi y dije "yo la conozco", estuve contigo en el taller ese intensivo de redaccion que nos dieron en un periodicote de la Cd.

14 septiembre, 2007  
Blogger The Bridger said...

My dear, I shall pay you back: I told YOU to not understimate me, my ESP, or her change.

See the new entry of my blog. For details.

And yes, I am too noble sometimes.

25 noviembre, 2007  
Blogger The Bridger said...

My dearest meldis: of course I don't want to lose you. It's just that I'm frustrated that you won't even give her a chance... not even the benefit of doubt. What's gonna happen the day (if it comes) I decide to spend the rest of my life with her? Are you gonna oppose that too? What if we have a kid?

THAT'S what frustrates me.

Another source of frustration is that I always kept my mouth shut when you had your relationship with certain asshole who's name starts with N, and even tried to get along with him. But that's me, you don't have to do the same.

And I said that I thought I lost you because, we've never argued before, and I know you can hold a grudge, that scares the shit out of me.

And I can't help feeling guilty, even though I've done nothing wrong.

07 diciembre, 2007  

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